The Organizers Union

For Just Cause

PRESS UPDATES:  Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Chief Petitioners Withdraw Initiative Petition 2024-049

Oregon Campaign For Just Cause Continues With New Initiative

We organize and campaign for due process rights to end at-will employment, expand job security, and protect working people from retaliation and covert discrimination. 

Will you get involved?


The Organizers Union for Just Cause formed in 2023 from recognition of the need to advance from the segregationist era doctrine of at-will employment to a robust standard of just cause in workplaces throughout the United States.  

Just cause protections have long been common within private contracts and collective bargaining agreements but remain largely unknown and subversively unexamined by the general public.  

It's time to recognize just cause, due process rights for workers, whether they're protected by a contract or not.

Just cause is a fundamental standard of due process.

Just cause ensures employees are not disciplined or terminated on a whim.

Just cause requires reasonability, notice, investigation, evidence, equitable treatment, proportionality & progressive discipline.

Just cause results in wage & productivity growth, wage equity for women & workers of color, & better educational outcomes for children of protected workers.

Just cause protection should be a right for all working people.

The vast majority of employees throughout Oregon and the United States can be legally fired without any reason, or prior notice.

This doctrine of at-will employment is job insecurity.

At-will isn't due process, it's no process.

At-will employment is not required to fill job vacancies, nor is it about how you apply and interview.

At-will employment means your employment may be ended without a reason, even a good reason. 

At-will allows for covert discrimination, and retaliation.

At-will impedes advocacy for safety.

At-will undermines productivity.

At-will perpetuates inequality.

At-will is bad for individuals.

At-will is bad for families.

At-will is bad for communities and our country.

At-will was championed by segregationists.

Let's make at-will employment history.

Let's initiate a just standard for the 21st century.

It's Time:

For just cause protection in the rule of law.

For policy standardizing job security to protect personal security, ensure fairness, and the best business practices.

To promote respect, communication, and safe work cultures encouraging productivity.

To raise expectations from great recessions, and resignations.

We organize to realize: 

Just Cause. Due Process. Job Security.

Will you join us?