
Civil Rights protesters and Woolworth's Sit-In, Durham, NC.  February 10, 1960.  N&O Negative Collection, State Archives of North Carolina.

OUJC's governing board adopts resolutions to establish policy positions regarding issues relevant to our union and mission.   To read our mission statement, visit our About Us page.  To learn more about our theory of change, principles, and union vision visit our Organizing and Values pages.

See our resolution below regarding OUJC's endorsement and affiliation with Just Cause Employment, and the Ithaca Just Cause Coalition:

The Organizers Union for Just Cause

Resolution of the Union Governing Board

Endorsement of Just Cause Employment Campaign and Affiliation with Ithaca Just Cause Coalition

March 28, 2024

Whereas, The Organizers Union for Just Cause organizes to fulfill its purpose to advance just cause employment standards in workplaces throughout the United States; to expand due process rights for workers; to encourage and protect freedoms of free expression, association, and grievance; and to promote competency and best practices for professional Organizers and activism;

Whereas, Just Cause Employment is a municipal campaign based in Ithaca, NY advancing just cause employment protections for Ithaca workers through the prospective adoption of legislation of their Common Council;

Whereas, Just Cause Employment is supported by the Just Cause Ithaca Coalition;

Whereas, OUJC shares the values and prioritizes the legislative criteria advanced by the Just Cause Ithaca Coalition, Just Cause Employment campaign, and legislation;

Whereas, OUJC recognizes that the success of Just Cause Employment shall improve job security protections for working people in Ithaca, NY; contributes to public awareness of just cause protections and consciousness for the recognition of a fundamental due process right for workers in the United States;

Therefore, Let It Be Resolved, OUJC endorses the Just Cause Employment campaign and shall organize for its success, and for the success of other independent alike grassroots campaigns;

It Is Further Resolved, OUJC will take appropriate and necessary steps to formally affiliate with Just Cause Ithaca Coalition and develop the national Just Cause Campaign Network;